The Making the Most of Masters project ended in 2016. This website is no longer updated, but it is available here as an archive.

Health and Safety

Download an example of a Health and Safety Form here.

  1. The Organisation shall comply with all health and safety laws, rules and guidelines and shall be responsible for the health and safety of the Student whilst on its premises or elsewhere in connection with the Organisation’s business activities.
  2. It is recognised that the Student will not be familiar with the Organisation’s premises and the Organisation will adapt its procedures and supervision accordingly. The organisation should hold a brief induction meeting about safety procedures within the organisation (e.g. fire procedures, emergency contacts and first aid procedures etc.)
  3. Where required, the Organisation will carry out a risk assessment, provide training and protective clothing and equipment, make the Student fully aware of any special hazards or dangers and immediately report any accidents involving the Student to the University.
  4. The Student is required to: take reasonable care to avoid injury to themselves and to others; not interfere with or misuse any clothing or equipment provided to protect their Health and Safety; and to report any accident or injury immediately following the Organisation’s procedures.

Disclaimer: This toolkit has been developed based on the advice and guidance available at the time of publishing. Users of the toolkit should ensure that they are familiar with guidance and regulations in their own institution at that time. All resources can, and indeed should be tailored to meet the requirements of individual student groups. Your local Careers Service may be able to provide advice and guidance on this. Where material is adapted due credit should be given to the original authors, ie. Making the Most of Masters, by either maintaining the name, logos and watermarks or alternatively, by using the following text:

"This material has been adapted from resources produced by the Making the Most of Masters Project."